Drifting – Losing My Way

The Lord said – Focus on me, focus on hearing my voice. Take time daily to listen. Only when you take time to listen you will hear. You will then know how to live, how to work, how to lead your family. You have to receive from me daily to be sustained daily. Be that tree by living waters – Psalms 1:3 (NIV), I am that living water but your tree is not receiving the right nutrients and nourishment. Your roots are being blocked by what you’re feeding yourself. Small distractions, small habits, small sacrifices are taking time away from your roots going deeper and closer to me.

The Lord said – Remember daily feeding from me means daily strength, daily direction, daily progress. I am faithful in the little things. I need you to be faithful in them also.

Why are you afraid to truly sacrifice? Do you truly value my glory? My goodness and my mercy? Do you really feel my presence is all you’ll need? Would you really trade your life for my glory? Do you truly hunger and thirst for righteousness?

Prayer – Father, make me a living sacrifice – Romans 12:1 (NIV), show me what that means. Show me how to serve my wife, my family, my church and my community without complaining, without comparing and without expectations of equity. Give me renewed hunger for your presence daily. Give me a renewed spirit that is hungry for you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.